
Do you take pleasure in styling people’s hair? Have you been to the hair salon and thought to yourself, “I wish I could be a hairdresser”? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to own your own hair salon and have hair stylists’ work for you?

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There are two types of qualification that can help you get a job in hairdressing. These are the NVQ and the VRQ.

Firstly, both are vocational qualifications. This means they are related to work.

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) are competence based qualifications. This means that they are achieved by someone who has proven that they can carry out a job to the right standard. Some or most of the assessment must take place in actual work situations – i.e Salons.

Vocational Related Qualifications (VRQs) are knowledge and understanding based qualifications that are related to a work setting. They can be achieved outside of the workplace and do not prove competence. Assessment can be by assignment or tests.

Neither is more important as both will have their place.

hairsearchOur search engine is exclusive to us and only offers the best search results for UK NVQ and VRQ training Hairdressing courses..

There are thousands of training and hairdressing courses available.

If you would like to be listed in our directory, you can add your training provider details to the Directory. Listings are currently free of charge.


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